Evil Jr.: Cupcake Sliders

I have a board on Pinterest titled "Pure Evil Food." It contains the most decadent, nutritionally void recipes I find to separate them from recipes with average or exceptional nutritional value. Whenever I make and share one of these recipes, my friends gush and also tease me about being evil. My 9-year-old daughter is in the running for the Evil title. One night this week when she had no homework and no extracurricular activities, she looked through a cookbook and found a recipe for from-scratch Cupcake Sliders. There's a whole stick of butter in the batter. She made them with only a little help from me. And though she is still learning how to follow directions to the letter, they still turned out just fine. You can fill them with Nutella or another chocolate-hazelnut spread or canned or homemade chocolate frosting. We used Nutella. I apologize for not taking photos of her creative process. I was making pumpkin chili at the same time. CUPCAKE SLIDERS 2 cups ...