Preston County Farm Finds New Uses for Family Land
I wrote this story in the fall of 2010, but I want to save it here. The Davis Brothers farm has morphed from being a dairy operation to agritourism in three generations. By CYNTHIA McCLOUD For The State Journal MASONTOWN — Someday the Davis sisters will be running Davis Brothers Farm. The Davis sisters — Julie Davis Mallow and Debbie Davis — are the daughters of Jim Davis, who still works the farm with his brother, Bill. Julie’s husband Jay Mallow and Debbie’s fiancé Rob Crawford help, as do workers Robert Gamble and Mark Smith. The Davis sisters are the third generation to work their family’s land in Preston County. While they are tied to the land, they are not set in their ways. They have had to adapt and innovate to keep the farm operating. Their latest venture is into agritourism. Read more ...